Page name: Fake Goths [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: NUMA NUMA!

2005-04-14 [Attention! Myspace.]: Don't want don't want. xD

2005-04-14 [Simply Real]: nice very nice.

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: =)

2005-04-14 [Attention! Myspace.]: Indeed. x_x; I've become quite obsessed, mmhmm, so it's not really unusual. Typical fangirldom. =D

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: Nothing wrong with that.

2005-04-14 [Attention! Myspace.]: Even though they're like, the flaming Romanian equivalent of N-Sync. xDDD

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: Atleast they sound a hell of a lot better than N-Sync, and have better voices and instruments.

2005-04-14 [Grey Eyes]: I know...the Music Video is hilarious! I like the guy wearing the suspenders and leather jacket...he thinks he's totally hot...and he's like...such a queer XDD

2005-04-14 [Attention! Myspace.]: OMFG, no, the guy in the yellow shirt is SO hawt! He's like a little boy cept he's really tall! And he has a high-pitched voice. xD

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: damn, I wish I could see the real music video.

2005-04-14 [Grey Eyes]: Or what about the blonde with the purple glasses? XD that guy is all like humping the air XDDDD

2005-04-14 [Lost in Illusions]: what band are we talkinga bout?

2005-04-14 [Attention! Myspace.]: O-Zone. And yeah, and when the guy with the suspender's shirt is like, being ripped off by the wind, and then the guy with the purple glasses is sitting on the couch with his legs spread wide open, and the cute chocolate haired one looks like a Michael Jackson victim... le sigh... they're beautiful people, really, they're just kinda... gay. xD

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: Yay! My Chris is here!

2005-04-14 [Attention! Myspace.]: o___o?

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: *hugs Chris* Let's destroy Micheal for being a word thief. *scurries like a hermit crab to Chris with ammo*

2005-04-14 [Lost in Illusions]: ~huggles Seb and takes Canada~  LETS GOOO! ><

2005-04-14 [Attention! Myspace.]: *wiggles out of boredom* Wiggleeey... wiiiiiigggllleeeeyyy... woogley wiggly.. o-o

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: Canada?

2005-04-14 [Grey Eyes]: Duh...who wouldn't take Canada? o-o Yeah...O-Zone is great...but I can't find their c.d. anywhere >.< Cha. *hands the warriors some hairspray that they can burn things with*

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: Damn it. The cunt claimed the words of a very good friend of mine [Nukleopatra] in a conversation with Chris and now he claims not knowing how it got there. I'm glad he deleted it from his public diary.

2005-04-14 [Lost in Illusions]: hmmph. Canada! The one with the Canadian flag painted on his shell! ^^

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: What about The Purple?

2005-04-14 [Attention! Myspace.]: Yuup yuup yuup yuup! n.n *continues to wiggle*

2005-04-14 [Grey Eyes]: *eats her Emily-Cuddle-Kitty*

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: [gothy_gurly_6969]

2005-04-14 [Grey Eyes]: I like her hair XD

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: She looks like she's waiting for one of us to kick her in the face.

2005-04-14 [Grey Eyes]: I know...that's really akward...we should totally throw things at her...

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: like canned goods or pieces of concrete.

2005-04-14 [Grey Eyes]: or unnecessarily big rocks...or bones...or some "gothic" pointy things...or small children...I think I like that last one ^^

2005-04-14 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hm... Here's a patience test. I hope you enjoy it:

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: I finished it!

2005-04-14 [Simply Real]: [gothy_gurly_6969] is well... um heh... im at a loss for words here...*coughs*...

2005-04-14 [Lost in Illusions]: haha! Very very cute ^^

2005-04-14 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Paint and photos are hard to mix, eh?

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: Yeah, obviously.

2005-04-14 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Though I have seen nice results. But it was a long time ago in a house I don't remember.

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: She even has white painted over her teeth.

2005-04-14 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Yep. ::still laughing his ass off::

2005-04-14 [Delladreing]: *looks at house* ....*falls over laughing* oh good god what the hell?

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: I beat that.

2005-04-14 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ^_^ So did I. Fun, eh?

2005-04-14 [Blackshire]: It surprisingly was metally draining. Then again I stayed up all night and I'm still about. It's 6am now where I'm visiting, but my mind is set to an hour behind. Blah, I hate time zones.

2005-04-14 [Delladreing]: *twitches* its about as sarcastic as i am lol

2005-04-14 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: that was a funny house

2005-04-15 [cuntstitches]: [scum buckett] She is an elftown friend of mine and has decided to dedicate her house to the mocking of fake goths. Well, until she gets bored with it. It's good for a laugh.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: [pyro_goth]

2005-04-15 [Simply Real]: *looks over house while listening to Otep, Eye twitches as he's about to snap* I sent her a nasty message... oops?

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Haha, what did you write?

2005-04-15 [cuntstitches]: I can't even read half of her house. P.S., [scum buckett]'s house is back to normal again.

2005-04-15 [Attention! Myspace.]: o__o Yeah, what DID you write? O_o

2005-04-15 [Eternal Witness]: Ummm... I don't know what to say about this Wikki. For one it's not Marilyn Manson or Hot Topic creating these beings. It's such bands as Good Charolette. I must say wearing all black or eyeliner is not a crime! Nor is it somthing to be ridiculed about. It doesn't make you a fake! It simply helps you to personafy the lifestyle you're trying to reflect. All you guys are just a bunch of bullies. You're just making fun of people for the way they dress! I think you should focus on how people act. If people wear all black then go home and listen to Brittney Spears then they're a fake goth. But not if they actually live the life they are trying to project through their appearence.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: This message again? Um, no. Goth is a sub-culture, not the ridiculous thing you just stated.

2005-04-15 [Eternal Witness]: Sub-culture? What the hell is that!?

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Wow. You are an idiot. Get your facts straight before you think you know what the Gothic Sub-culture is. It's definately not about wearing black and acting depressed.

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: first, Good Charlotte is poppy punk. Second, goth is an ancient culture that has ressurrected recently. The problem arises in these pricks who worship Marilyn Manson and Hot Topic as if they were the epitome of the gothic subculture (to clarify, a subculture is an underground culture not recognized fully by everyone).

2005-04-15 [Delladreing]: im not even Gothic and I knew that.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Vaguely, the Goths were a Germanic tribe that travelled through Europe in the era of the Greek and Roman Empires.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: It's nice he makes it known that he cloned his message.

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: the gothic subculture is that of the appreciation of events and topics that are otherwise "taboo" and unorthadox. Such as death; one would not normally think of this as beautiful, but when you think about it, especially suicide (looking at the motives and such), think of Romeo + Juliet..... they killed each other because their families refused to let them be together. To think about it, it's really one of the best gothic romances ever.

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: cloned his message?

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: hmmm? What do you mean, my dear Sebby?

2005-04-15 [Keii]: Yeah, he was on a few days ago posting the same message

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: ah... I get it, now. heh.

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: i see. bit silly of him.

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, silly. hah.. heh... yeah.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Hmm... where'd he go?

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: away?

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: I bet he ran to his mommy crying.

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: awww, poor thing. I hate these idiots trying to make us sound bad when they dont know what the fuck they're talking about

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: lol. by the way shards, your art is amazing, i went on that website thing. is it (the site) a bit like elfwood?

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Why thank you. I didn't care for elftown. It's restrictions were ridiculous. There's no way in hell I'm giving then my whole name so people can stalk me.

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: lol. its suffered a major crash recently. all my work was lost, pissit. cant be assed to build a whole member over again. it took so god damn long

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Elfwood can be a cunt of an art site. Deviantart, I don't think, has ever failed me in the past. I should upload my "Blaise" picture on Deviantart when I feel like it.

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: do they have any restrictions on what you put on, or reject anything?

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: plus, they didnt accept surrealism. surrealism is one of the best forms of visual art around, i dont see why they didnt make that a catogory.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Not as much as elfwood. In fact, they have so few I can't even think of one besides don't be a bitch to others. This is for [Lost in Illusions]: <img:> You make my heart pee!! Come back, damn it.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Arrrgh! So many of the same people keep looking at my page. Stalkers, I tell you.

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: what do you mean, the same people?

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: *smiles* i shall join the fun site

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: I've just notice many of the same people I don't know looking at my page time and again. Looks like I have more people watching my page than I thought. This is how I feel about that: <img:>

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Sorry, I'm obsessed with those little guys XD

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: penguins? they rock. i love them. the chocolate bars dont taste very nice though. and concerning the stalkers, they cant stalk you for real :P thank god

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: And they're all girls too ranging from the ages of 13 to 15. I'm so glad I changed my "preference" on there to same sex instead of both sexes and took my picture off. It made a huge difference. Sluts.

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: lol. too many of them on here. but its easy to sieve through them.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: I'm going to keep track of every one of them and see how much they watch my house just for the hell of it. I need to entertain myself until I can finally go home and go to school.

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: lol. where are you now. i know lots of amusing things...

2005-04-15 [Attention! Myspace.]: Yeech. Y'know whats wierd? I have the same sort of stalkers. Except it's usually "lesbian girl ages 15+". I think lesbians are more attracted to me than men. -______-;;

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: I'm in Lynchburg, Virginia. Twenty hours away from home, car driven too, I'll have you know. I want to go back to Iowa so I can frolick around and have a door to my room and no stupid little dogs barking at me whenever I make a move. I hate dogs.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Seems girls on here are the only ones that hit on me besides the few guys I have relations with.

2005-04-15 [Attention! Myspace.]: Really? I don't much like dogs either. But I LOVE my cat to pieces! I have the meanest, wierdest cat ever. Just to surface his wierdness, I'll tell you that he pants like a dog, steals glasses, licks soap, eats chewed gum... o__o;

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: lol i like dogs, just not when they bark at me.

2005-04-15 [Attention! Myspace.]: For some reason, all dogs love me. And I really don't like dogs. ;.;

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: I like little creatures like ferrets and kitties and crabs... the animal kind...

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: heeeeey.. I thought you said you gave me something.

2005-04-15 [Attention! Myspace.]: I like ferrets, kitties, mice, and umm.... other small rodents, suu~ n.n

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: I did give you something!!! Like I said, 20:03:54 Shards :: This is for [Lost in Illusions]: <img:> You make my heart pee!! Come back, damn it.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: Chris, you asshole.

2005-04-15 [Nymphette]: minx rule

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: I have to get ready for my mum's wedding. Later.

2005-04-15 [Attention! Myspace.]: Ooh. Weddings. Meh love weddings! x3

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: Me loves you, Sebastian.

2005-04-15 [Goldice]: i dont.

2005-04-15 [Lost in Illusions]: oh well, I wasnt asking if you loved me or my Sebastian.

2005-04-15 [Blackshire]: *hugs Chris* you're my asshole. And I think she was referring to weddings. =/

2005-04-16 [Simply Real]: I have a ferrtey! Ah ahahah what a fool.... I often get messages from young girls and young "goth" guys trying to impress me 0-o

2005-04-16 [Blackshire]: Really? Guys hardly ever message me, except my friends. I only get messages from girls. How do they try to impress you?

2005-04-16 [Simply Real]: Asking half retarted questions, to try to provoke my intellect. *shrugs* half the time i dont even really care.

2005-04-16 [Lost in Illusions]: I could... but Im not interested enough to peak your interest .. hehe

2005-04-16 [Nymphette]: whats a ferrtey?

2005-04-16 [Blackshire]: A ferret.

2005-04-16 [Goldice]: they cute

2005-04-16 [Blackshire]: I must agree.

2005-04-16 [Goldice]: yes indeed

2005-04-16 [Nymphette]: i see.

2005-04-16 [Blackshire]: Naphtha Ferrets < I made this stupid thing to entertain myself.

2005-04-16 [ohio is 4 lovers]: yes of course. i would have 2 agree w/ u all

2005-04-16 [Nymphette]: what does naphtha mean?

2005-04-16 [Goldice]: i was about to ask

2005-04-16 [Grey Eyes]: I assume they're reffering to the oil that was once used to fuel lamps o.o;;; Yeah, did you know that Ferret is like, one of the most high in demand fur in the world? It's really sad ;_;

2005-04-16 [Goldice]: i know. but you can also buy hamster skin coats aswell. no joke

2005-04-16 [Grey Eyes]: And German Shepard, and Domestic Cat, ...I know these things...I had to do a giant graphic speech on it as a project for school...all the girls freaked out...because I had some pretty gory pictures. I got an awesome grade on it though...

2005-04-16 [Goldice]: its really awful. i dont know how people can be that cruel

2005-04-16 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah...I would send you a copy of my speech....but I don't think anyone wants to read it...not to mention it's not as good without the pictures o.o;;

2005-04-16 [Goldice]: its not really the sort of topic thats a nice one o have a friendly light hearted discussion about

2005-04-16 [Grey Eyes]: I know...but I try. I think people at my school think I'm evil now...because I kept laughing during my speech XD but I was only laughing because all the girls on my class were freaking out...

2005-04-16 [Goldice]: yeah we had to do one about the black death and kept laughing. no one believed it was a nervous laugh

2005-04-16 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah...I laugh when I'm sucks...especially when I'm publicly singing or talking x.x Almost every girl in my class did one on cheerleading...and right now I'm listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack...and it's making me cry x.x

2005-04-16 [Goldice]: never heard it

2005-04-16 [Grey Eyes]: Well...there's only one part that makes me cry...and it's kinda funny because it's like this really tiny part that barely matters...when the Phantom is singing masquerade with the symbol monkey ;_;

2005-04-16 [Nymphette]: never heard it or never heard OF it?

2005-04-16 [Grey Eyes]: Oh my god you people are deprived x.x How cna yo not know of Phantom of the Opera???? =O

2005-04-17 [Attention! Myspace.]: Oh my. o___o; That parts pretty sad. But... I have FLCL to make it better! WOO! =D *wiggles* Oh yeah, spendin' 'like, 300 dollars on manga... got only 27 volumes... woo hoo, gonna buy more tomorrow... woo! n.n

2005-04-17 [Goldice]: no ive never heard the cd of the soundtrack lol

2005-04-17 [Lost in Illusions]: here's a nice little laugh... The ultimate in goth-wear for the vampire kiddies:

2005-04-17 [Nymphette]: mistress, have you ever been to see it lives *swoons*

2005-04-17 [Nymphette]: ooooh those 'fill ur own' blood vials are nice and cheap. i need some for a project im doing. but do i degrade myself by actually buying them?

2005-04-17 [Goldice]: lol.

2005-04-17 [Nymphette]: no hold on, these are seriously tacky. i dont want the whole necklace, i just want the frigging vial!

2005-04-17 [Goldice]: and i wonder what they really put in them...

2005-04-17 [Nymphette]: piss, probverbly. no, i want ones you can fill yourself. and i just found a few nice simple test tube shaped ones. those will do nicely. but those custom fangs *shudders* they look TERRIBLE

2005-04-17 [Goldice]: i know

2005-04-17 [Nymphette]: why dont they just do subtle simple ones. these just look ridiculous

2005-04-17 [Simply Real]: Bah hahahaha... thats so... laughable!

2005-04-17 [cuntstitches]: hahahaha. That wiki makes me piddle myself.

2005-04-17 [Panda-monium]: Try not to do that here... o.O

2005-04-17 [Spanakopida]: Haha, a group of loners.

2005-04-17 [Nymphette]: lol

2005-04-17 [Grey Eyes]: Hmmm...they basically in the beggining of that said three different names for the same in all essentiality...they only listed two groups >D

2005-04-17 [Panda-monium]: I know I know, but it is my friends wiki ye see...

2005-04-18 [Attention! Myspace.]: Oh, well... that changes things a bit, even if it's quite poserishly emo. o.o

2005-04-18 [Simply Real]: Hah hah... Well that was rather amusing? Little IRONIC?

2005-04-18 [Avoral]: Tee hee, stupid kids.

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: :) i want to be a loner with them *giggles*. its funny, by grouping togther, they are no longer loners. so the wiki is... pointless.

2005-04-18 [Goldice]: indeed it is

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: *skips off to go tell them*

2005-04-18 [Goldice]: have fun.

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: *smiles* done :)

2005-04-18 [Goldice]: what did you do?

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: informed them of their silly ironic hypocrisy

2005-04-18 [Goldice]: i went and didnt see anything

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: oh dear. lets make sure it worked

2005-04-18 [Goldice]: theres nothing from you there

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: hmmn. it says it has when i go

2005-04-18 [Goldice]: mmmm ill try again

2005-04-18 [Goldice]: i found it. sorry my bad. should've read it better

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: :)

2005-04-18 [Eternal Witness]: You all are idiots. I used to think you were bullies. But you're just stupid! Your definition of a goth is crazy. You're all crackpots. By today's society a goth is someone who dresses in all black and likes Manson. I realize that that is just the ignorant, poppy side of it but that is how the word goth is veiwed. By the way don't try to tell me what the actual textbook definition of a goth is. Any fool can look it up on the internet! You're not all that smart. You just think you're better than everyone else because you can sit back in your comfy lifes and mock the first "bozo in black". I realize that trivial things like wearing black don't make you a goth.

2005-04-18 [Eternal Witness]: But neither does making fun of them! By calling other people fakes you're inncenuating that you're the real deal. And since a goth is only a 17th century German extremeist... than the word goth shouldn't be used except in a historical context. Therefore the name of your wiki, and the things your telling me contradict eachother. Don't argue with me I study physcology. The smarter, but not entirely correct, definition of a goth is what you all said someone who values and veiws things,such as death, on a different scale than other people. In which case your not goths either cause then you'd realize that every human life and death is important and trivial things such as teasing people is not!

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: thats what we are fighting against. this new image of goth, trying to protect the old one. that is all we are doing. not all of us here mock the others. some do, and thats just to show them they are destroying something beautiful. sunshine, i study physcology as well. most of us here do. so dont class yourself above us. you dont actually know any of us. no one does. we are just grouping against such beings that are destroying what we stand for. it doesnt make us bullies.

2005-04-18 [Keii]: *chuckles* Wow, you're really getting wound up, aren't you?

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: me, or him?

2005-04-18 [Keii]: Him

2005-04-18 [Nymphette]: lol, were only on the internet here

2005-04-18 [Spanakopida]: Heh, I think you are confused about our definition. Plus, we're not all "goths", we never said that we were. You do not have to be a part of a certain subculture in order to dislike people disrespecting that subculture. You totally misunderstood what we were trying to say. Like totally. (:

2005-04-18 [Attention! Myspace.]: Don't get your panties in a bunch, you seriously need to understand that we're just here to make fun of who we can and that's not really your problem. I mean, we just call out fakes, doesn't mean we're gothic. I'm not, at least. Freakin' aye. It's fun to make fun of people. Heck, you're like, TRYING to make fun of us. So you're not proving too much of a point.

2005-04-18 [Attention! Myspace.]: And besides, life is short. Live while you can. These stupid people who are like, "Oh, look at me, I'm so gothic and I hate myself and I'm rebelling by listening to lame music! Rawr!" I mean, they basically make fun of themselves.

2005-04-19 [Avoral]: Eh, [cuntstitches], the creator of this very wiki, is referring to "goth" in the sense of the movement as it stands today... Or, rather, as it stood in its incipience. You know, the whole focus on the generally dark and macabre, the industrial/metal/whatever musical focus (I say "focus" instead of "immersion" for a reason), the fascination with the deviant side of psychology, morbidity, and so on. Never once did she define it as Renaissance-stuff, nor did she ever make any reference to the way old Goths from like back in the day. So that "smarter" definition you proposed was pretty much an echo of what has already been established. Oh, and it's... "Psychology."

2005-04-19 [Avoral]: Thank God you're not an English major.

2005-04-19 [Grey Eyes]: XD I study psychology too...and tis' purdy funny what little boy is trying to say becuase I can totally tell he's lying! ^^

2005-04-19 [Attention! Myspace.]: He makes me laugh. And I don't laugh a lot. o___o ............... Okay, so that's a lie, but... xD

2005-04-19 [Avoral]: Hey, me three. I'm actually a psych major with a double-minor in writing and philosophy.

2005-04-19 [Attention! Myspace.]: I feel like, the only one who isn't studying psychology. But that doesn't mean I'm not experienced in it. o_o

2005-04-19 [Avoral]: You know, I have a hypothesis I need to look into. What percentage of Goths stay invisible on AIM all the time? And, if so, doesn't that make them pretty much unable to socialize without it just being a hit-and-miss kinna thing?

2005-04-19 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah, I study alot of psychology just because I find it interesting, and I'm part of an after school club that deals with quirky psychological matters...[Avoral] you, are awesome. Philosophy and English are the two things I plan to get masters degree's in o-o And tis' kay Emily, I still love you ^^ ...just maybe not as much XD

2005-04-19 [cuntstitches]: These people don't seem to be getting that this wiki is for humor purposes only.

2005-04-19 [Nymphette]: what do you mean by staing invisible of AIM?

2005-04-19 [Eternal Witness]: For humor? OK anyways if life is so short than why do waste it trying to help these little creeps. I mean I like your cause just not how you word it. I hate fakes too but I don't blame Marilyn Manson and Hot Topic. I just gotmad because I also don't like people generalizing(however you spell it). And as for phsycology I do study it I have over 20 books on the human mind.And study with a local college class on weekends I was just being an ass with that. I see where you all are coming from and I thank you for showing me some things. You're just a bunch of people protecting your way of life. And I respect that like I said though I think you're too bold about it. Sorry.

2005-04-19 [Nymphette]: ah well. everyone is entitled to their opinions i guess *smiles*

2005-04-19 [Nymphette]: [*Gothic*Angel*]. oh my god. she has a posse

2005-04-19 [Lost in Illusions]: meh... live and let live... they'll be fine as long as they dont step in my way.

2005-04-19 [Nymphette]: dont think theyd b capable of that

2005-04-19 [Lost in Illusions]: you never know...... they could think people like us are the bullies for calling them poseurs

2005-04-19 [Spanakopida]: We are bullies.

2005-04-19 [Nymphette]: some of us are. some of us just try to reason with people.

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